About Monda Consulting

headshot-marilyn-mondaMarilyn Monda is passionate about her 35 year practice in accelerated quality improvement. She is Deming-trained; a statistician, psychologist and Master Black Belt. Her mission—and the mission of Monda Consulting—is to partner with your organization to align, build, and continually improve a comprehensive business process and quality improvement system using the theories of W. Edwards Deming, Systems Thinking, Rapid Lean, Change Management and Structured Problem Solving as guiding principles. Monda Consulting treats quality improvement as a system with elements that add unique value while supporting each other in a synergistic manner.

Monda Consulting will…triangle-graph_about-page

  • Add value, whether your organization is just starting out or already on the quality improvement journey
  • Partner to target and execute projects and implement change management in order to achieve rapid, effective and sustainable results
  • Mentor to insure the success of your organization’s BPI team, processes and strategic project work
  • Connect you with an extensive network of quality professionals when needed to address any identified quality challenge
  • Lead your organization to increased customer satisfaction, productivity and competitive advantage through accelerated quality improvement


Private Sector

Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)
Applied Magnetics Corporation
Chevron Pipeline
General Electric Corporation
Here Technologies
HMT Tank, Inc
Information Magnetics
Pfizer, Inc.
Prudential Insurance
Raychem Corporation
Siemans Solar Industries
Southern California Gas
Stauffer Chemical Company
Sunward Technologies
Tampella Sandy Hill
Walgreens Corporation
Public Sector

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Navy Personnel Research and Development Center
North Island Navy Aviation Depot
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard

“Marilyn Monda led us in the use of statistical analysis for manufacturing in a clean room environment. We applied gauge analysis for sensitive measurement equipment, and experimental designs to optimize equipment settings for different product runs. Her approach to statistical process control allowed us to provide our customers with consistent, high quality results. She was a great collaborator!”
—Donna Weisshaupt, Quality Leader, Sunward Technologies

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