by Marilyn Monda | Dec 14, 2013 | Box and Whisker, Box Plot, Center, Exploratory Data Analysis, Quality Tools, Shape, Spread
Box and Whisker Plot. Right in the middle of my top 5 Desert Island Tools is one of the most illustrative and simple graphs available to an analyst. The box and whisker plot reveals center, spread, shape and outliers. It can be used to stratify a data set and...
by Marilyn Monda | Oct 29, 2013 | Quality Tools
Scatter Diagram. The visual nature of the scatter diagram makes it a shoe-in for use on my Desert Island. Not only does the shape of the scatter illustrate relationship strength and direction, but it allows for the identification of outliers. Outliers can be the most...
by Marilyn Monda | Sep 18, 2013 | Quality Tools
The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Matrix. I love this tool for its versatility. You can dial the technical application of the QFD up or down depending on the need. At its most basic, you can use the matrix part of the QFD to understand how customer requirements...
by Marilyn Monda | Sep 17, 2013 | Quality Tools
What if there was a Survivor-type island for quality professionals? You could practice quality improvement, but you could only bring 5 quality tools to use in the improvement work. What a delicious dilemma! Think of all the quality tools you have accessed in the past...